Social networks as digital marketing strategy in 2017

By Blog
Marketers are constantly looking to the future, trying to predict the next trend. Naturally, they are interested in such questions as: "Who is the next to make success?", "How can we make the customer the center of attention?", "What is the next trend?". Everyone wants to know the answers. What if some of the best minds in the field of marketing can predict the future? In recent years, social networks are the most popular thing on the internet and also the best choice for digital marketing. We expect that this trend will continue in 2017. Facebook today is the leading social platform according to the criteria of popularity among users, video distribution and advertising. And in the near future, in 2017, this position is likely to continue. The same applies to Instagram which is the second largest social platform. Social advertising will continue to grow, bringing more opportunities for advertisers. Advertising on social media in 2017 will generate $11 billion. This is a very impressive number, compared to just $6.1 billion in 2013 and it’s no doubt that it will be the most used digital marketing strategy in 2017.
  1. Facebook is a leader in social marketing because this social network has the largest number of users. Among the other advertising features, the Facebook company has created a service Instant Articles as an alternative option for publishers that enables you to publish both articles and advertisements directly to Facebook. Competition from other media platforms forces Facebook to keep up with time and this and this option will be beneficial for the marketing efforts of small and medium-sized businesses.

  2. Instagram is the most used among the younger generation which represents different attitudes. Given the fact that a picture says more than 1000 words, their attention was mostly dedicated to Instagram. And although there are only five years on the internet, this platform is only in the last year recorded a significant increase in the number of users and to all ages. As more and more people every day joins Instagram, brands have realized the potential of advertising on Instagram. Surely the number of advertisement on Instagram will increase in 2017.

  3. Twitter is another social network by a large number of users which recently has launched a new feature that allows users to comment on their retweets, which allows them to leave longer comments. Twitter trends to longer forms of content continue and it is even possible the removal of 140 word’s restrictions in the future. This trend will have a significant impact on digital marketing, opening new gateways for marketers using Twitter as a platform for publishing the advertising content.

Apart from the other features, Twitter has some other very interesting advertising opportunities, which are practically impossible on other platforms, and related to the way for targeting the audience. Certainly, the most interesting way of targeting will be "Event targeting” which allows ads to be displayed on certain events that are very popular at the moment.