Advantages of Using WhatsApp at Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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If you are wondering how to get the message across to the millions of people worldwide or your target audience, then the best social media tool apart from Face book and YouTube would be WhatsApp. It is heartening to note that the social media tool is still under-utilized both personally and professionally.

In this post we will read about some of the benefits of using WhatsApp for your business.

It can be used for communicating within a team

WhatsApp can be used for communicating within a team. When you are searching for a tool which can help you communicate with your team members no matter where they are currently in the world, then you have got it. The tool is simple and easy to use. Unlike other communication tools which need training and space on your laptops or smart phones, the same is not so here.

It is also fun and exciting to use. Hence your team members will ensure that important messages get across to you immediately without delays.

You can use for communicating with your clients

You will want to know that communicating using this tool will get you more response than others. According to research, more than 80% of clients or respondents gave a reply when they were contacted through WhatsApp. You message or contact your clients or potential customers with the hope that will read and respond back.

Well, using this tool the chances appear high and there is no reason why you should give it a try. Also the need to be formal in your questions or message is not there. It is like talking to a friend and being polite, but professional at the same time. Sometimes long messages can be boring and annoying where replies cannot be expected from them.

You can make use of WhatsApp for customer support

In case you did not know WhatsApp can be used for customer support because it can reach many customers and potential clients. Instead of giving a phone number or email id, which is most likely, not going to be used or replied to, you might want to make use of this popular tool for communicating with your customers in an informal, but polite manner.

But, if you are expecting several hundred phone calls a day, then you might want to make use of other tools which are efficient or useful, than WhatsApp. You can find some useful features and API tools to be able to help you. Unless you find this tool helpful in your case, then you should definitely consider using it.

Using WhatsApp for promotion and marketing

With the help of WhatsApp you can send all kinds of formats like audio, video, and messages. Using other methods of communication like email or SMS where you have few restrictions on the kind of format to send the message, it is not the case here. The concept here is to reach out to more customers.

There is no denying that WhatsApp is a very effective tool to communicate with your target audience. In the end, it matters whether you were able to get the message across to them. The results or profits made from the marketing strategy will tell you the entire story. Hence you will want to make sure that you use WhatsApp for your business to be able to get the message across.